Martin Jacquet and Dario Sanalitro are now Doctors!
We are glad to announce the successful graduation in 2022 of the two PhD students funded by the Murphen project:
Dr. Dario Sanalitro
Title: Full-pose Manipulation Control of a Cable-suspended load with Multiple UAVs under Uncertainties
Jury: Jacques Gangloff (Univ. Strasbourg), Stephane CARO (LS2N-CNRS) Juan Cortés (LAAS-CNRS), Ivana Palunko (Univ. Dubrovnik), Antonio Franchi
Dr. Martin Jacquet:
Title: “Methods for Online Predictive Control of Multi-rotor Aerial Robots with Perception-driven Tasks subject to Sensing and Actuation Constraints”
PhD jury: Kostas Alexis, Paolo Robuffo Giordano, Margarita Chli , Simon Lacroix, and Antonio Franchi.