The Murophen projects ends: a scientific success!

The Murophen Project ended with the successful PhD defenses of its two PhD students and a large number of journal publications the last year. The murophen project in numbers:
2 PhD Theses
5 Master Theses
12 International Jounal papers
8 International Conference papers
>10 New experimental demonstrations linked to the aforementioned theses and publications
Go here for the full list of scientific outcomes

Martin Jacquet and Dario Sanalitro are now Doctors!

We are glad to announce the successful graduation in 2022 of the two PhD students funded by the Murphen project:

Publication to RAL on perception contrained control for UAVs

Last year, the work of Martin Jacquet led to a publication in Robotics and Automation Letters: Motor and Perception Constrained NMPC for Torque-controlled Generic Aerial Vehicles. The letter tackles perception-constrainted optimal control for UAVs, ensuring the visibility of a moving phenomenon with a camera-equipped drone. It has been presented to ICRA 2021, where it was selected among the three finalist for the aerial robotics best paper award. It demonstrates that the work is valued by the community. Congratulations!

Publication in RAL on collaborative manipulation with UAVs

In 2020, the work conducted by Dario Sanalitro led to a publication in Robotics and Automation Letters. The contribution is called Full-Pose Manipulation Control of a Cable-Suspended Load With Multiple UAVs Under Uncertainties. Being published in RAL is a nice achievement, congratulations to Dario!

Max Kivits' successful defense

Max, who joined us last January, successfully defended his master thesis on September 24th, kudos!
His thesis, titled Heterogeneous Cooperative Target Tracking using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, has been conducted with Martin Jacquet, Antonio Franchi and Hemjyoti Das (UTwente).

The nice results achieved during this thesis have been extended and submitted to RAL with ICRA option in early September.

We wish Max the best in his upcoming career.

Max Kivitis, new Master Student at RAM, University of Twente

We are pleased to welcome Max Kivits in the team, a new master student working in Optimal Control for Target Tracking with Multiple Robots.

Max joined the RAM lab in University of Twente in January 2021 and will collaborate with us for 7 months, under the supervision of Antonio Franchi, and will be closely interacting with Martin Jacquet.

Overcoming Pandemic Slow Moving

In 2020, we have undergone a global pandemic with a consequent economic crisis, and widespread social unrest.
These reasons in addition to the corresponding measures to deal with are unfortunately slowing down the experimental testing related to MuRoPhen. However, we are doing our best to overcome all the difficulties and moving on with the project objectives.
Stay tuned!

Martin Jacquet, new PhD Student at LAAS - CNRS

We are happy to welcome Martin Jacquet as a new PhD Student on Onboard Perception Methods for multi-robot aerial vehicles

Martin joined the LAAS-CNRS in the first days of January 2019. He will conduct his PhD studies within the RIS group, under the supervision of Antonio Franchi, he will explore the topic of onboard perception methods for flying and cooperative robots within the murophen project.

Dario Sanalitro, new PhD Student at LAAS - CNRS

We welcome Dario Sanalitro, new PhD Student in the Control of Multiple Robots for Observing Dyanmical Phenomena.

Dario joined the LAAS-CNRS, in October 2018. He will conduct his PhD studies under the advising of Antonio Franchi within the Murophen project, where he will study how multiple mobile robots can monitor dynamic phenomena with focus on the perception area.

Our accepted papers related to the MuRoPhen Project

Here are some of our publications which are relevant for the control investigation of mobile robots in observing dynamical phenomena.

Have a look for more details.


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